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guia de iniciacion a las runas vikingas oráculo nórdico

Viking Runes are an ancient Norse written alphabet, known asfuthark;  whose letters had an intentional name and a significant sound, however they never evolved as a spoken language.

Runes were used for poetry, and divination.

Each of the runes has a meaning and a message related to the adversities of life.

The Runes can come out to the right or inverted and their message derives from it; open your heart and let in the message they have for you:

"To the Spiritual Warrior: the one whose search is to sustain battles with himself and whose only goal is to change himself."

tirada de runas vikingas.png
lectura lineal runas vikingas.png
la cruz runica tirada de runas.png

Pieces of ancient wisdom extracted from:
the book of runes
Ralph Blum


Available Sets

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