Jumil | Symbolic Meaning | Spiritual meaningpedacitosdeorigenJun 15, 20231 min read -JUMIL-In Taxco Guerrero; México it is believed that they are deceased relatives who are visiting. "Souls that travel to visit their loved ones."-JUMIL AMULETS AVAILABLE-dije de plata y encapsulado en resina de jumil verde fondo blanco y engarce de pBuy NowJUMIL dije con bisel de plata y naturaleza encapsulada | plata 925Buy Now
-JUMIL-In Taxco Guerrero; México it is believed that they are deceased relatives who are visiting. "Souls that travel to visit their loved ones."-JUMIL AMULETS AVAILABLE-dije de plata y encapsulado en resina de jumil verde fondo blanco y engarce de pBuy NowJUMIL dije con bisel de plata y naturaleza encapsulada | plata 925Buy Now